Tuesday, October 14, 2008

evil laugh continues ...

ha ha ha!


it works.

now, smartass thoughts are only one click away from you. ha ha! ha!

ha ha! ha! :) :)

Testing post from google dashboard widget for the mac.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Finally framed some beautiful paintings

In 2005, on a family vacation to India, my wife and I bought 3 great paintings from Hauz Kauz Village in New Delhi. Can you believe that it is 3 years later, and we finally got them framed! And they look amazing. Check them out:

I bought these from the original artists in India - sadly though I lost the info on who they were. Gotta dig them up. They had some great stories ... and it's the stories that make the paintings. In any case, I am happy to have finally framed them and put them up in our house. They seem so much happier to be out of the boxes they have been hiding in for the last 3 years. Welcome!